This visual is an add for a coconut base shampoo whose medium or means of transmission was a magazine. The add contains multiple modes such as a text description of the product, a picture of the product, and a picture of a woman with long, luscious, beautiful hair combing it out, presumably after using the shampoo showing that if you use the shampoo your hair can also look long, luscious, and beautiful. In the picture of the woman the use of bright red hair against a lighter colored woman and background help put the emphasis on the hair even more. Also the use of the bright yellow color on the shampoo bottle helps catch the eye and make it more memorable to the reader. The add also contains a short description of the shampoo and its uses. As the writing is hard to read I have included it below for easier reading:
"Proper Shampooing is what makes beautiful hair. It brings out all the real life, natural wave and color, and makes it soft, fresh and luxuriant.
Your hair simply needs frequent and regular washing to keep it beautiful, but it cannot stand the harsh effects of ordinary soap. The free alkali, in ordinary soaps, soon dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and ruins it. This is why discriminating women use
Watkins Mulsified Cocoanut Oil for Shampooing
This clear, pure and entirely greaseless product cannot possibly injure, and does not dry the scalp or make the hair brittle, no matter how often you use it.
Two or three teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy leather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excess oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and has the appearance of being much thicker and heavier than it is. It leaves the scalp soft and the hair fine and silky, bright, fresh-looking and fluffy, wavy and easy to do up. You can get Watkins Mulsified Cocoanut Oil at any drug store. A 4-ounce bottle should last for months.
Splendid for children."
The text was written in a professional font so as to come across as a serious consideration for a woman's shampoo. Yet the text also contains a large, yellow text of the name of the product to make it pop out at the reader even more. Through these modes the add should have a pretty good chance of convincing readers to buy and use their product